Choose from asiatic lilies oriental lilies species lilies trumpet lilies and hybrid lilies.
Asiatic lily bulbs for sale.
The asiatic lily bulbs you buy from us are 12 14cm in size.
Not only do lilies add pops of color and cheer to the summer garden they look outstanding in fresh floral arrangements and bouquets.
Mail order lily bulbs largest selection of lily bulbs available.
25 years in the mail order lily business.
Hardy to zones 3 through 10.
Stargazer matrix mona lisa tiger woods and more direct from our farm in holland.
Lilies bloom in early to mid spring depending on the type.
Plant lily bulbs 6 8 deep in spring or early summer.
But it s their deep colors and upward facing star shaped blooms that make asiatic lilies beloved by so.
Compared to oriental lilies the asiatic lilies bloom a bit earlier early to mid summer and present slightly smaller flowers on slightly shorter plants.
Asiatic lilies martagon lilies trumpet lilies oriental lilies interdivisional hybrids and species lilies.
Asiatic lilies have bold blooms in colors of red yellow orange pink white or multi color.
Taking order for fall 2020 shipping only now.
Longfield gardens offers lily bulbs for spring planting.
Their blooms face upward and don t usually have a scent.
Asiatic lilies are today s largest group of garden lilies and are quite easy to grow.
Top size bulk lily bulbs for sale at wholesale only prices.
Lily bulbs for delivery starting mid late march 2021 have now been uploaded as our fall 2020 crop is sold out.
Fall planted lily bulbs from b d lilies whether asiatic trumpet oriental or orienpet bulbs will flower during the summer of 2021.
They are easy to grow and produce scented flowers that bloom between your asiatic and trumpet varieties.
Planting asiatic lilies asiatic lily bulbs are both the earliest bloomers and easiest to care for of the lily family.
Simply provide these dutch bulbs with well draining sandy or loamy soil and six to eight hours of sun.
We recommend planting asiatic lilies in well turned soil about 6 inches deep with the pointed end facing up.
Combining the best traits of the easter lily with the asiatic hybrids la hybrid lilies are sure to please.
Fragrant summer blooms are good cut flowers.
Lilies are an easy to grow versatile choice for mixed perennial flowerbeds or mass plantings.
Their colorful bell shaped often fragrant flowers open during the summer months.
La hybrid lilies.
Oriental lilies have fragrant blooms that face.